CRL RIGHTS COMMISSION | Survey on Religious Freedom


Alhamdulilah, we have long enjoyed religious freedom in South Africa.  However, there are attempts to curb this freedom through the legislative process… legislation that will impact on the identity, values and faith of Muslims. Our children and future generations look to us for guidance and action.

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How To Complete The CRL Religious Freedom Survey

When you’re answering the survey, you’ll find questions seeking examples of challenges to religious freedom you might have experienced. To ease this process for you, we’ve put together draft responses for areas covered in the Survey’s questions. Simply use the answers from our provided document and copy-paste them where suitable.

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A Response to Blasphemy

The recent comments made by Khaled Sayed (ANC MP) in reference to the Sahabah (companions) of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) during a lecture conducted under the auspices of AFOSA have struck deeply at the hearts of Muslims (Ahlus Sunnah), not just locally but across the globe.

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